Housing became a seller's market, and prices zoomed up. 房地产成了卖方市场,房价急剧上升。
This is our country seller's market turns the mark that is buyer's market. 这都是我国卖方市场转为买方市场的标志。
At present, great changes have taken place in the domestic market, featuring the shift from a seller's market to a buyer's market and the oversupply of many commodities. 当前,中国国内市场供求关系发生了由卖方市场转向买方市场的重大变化,许多商品供过于求;
Logic and common sense tell you it might be smarter to be a home seller in a seller's market and not a home buyer. 逻辑和常识告诉你,在卖方市场中做个卖房者是明智的,而不是去做个购房者。
The seller's market along with the non-marketability of the house buying leads to the rise of the house prices. 由于住房需求缺乏弹性,使得卖方又能够涨价,所以房价决定具有非市场性。
Because women have less interest in sex than men, it is, to put it crudely, a seller's market. 因为女性在性爱方面的兴趣要少与男性,所以简言之,这是一个卖方市场。
Seller's market, it is to show commodity is exceeding rare be short of, the demand of consumer is more than a supplier far supply capacity. 卖方市场,是指商品极度稀缺,消费者的需求远远大于供给商的供给能力。
If you are in a seller's market you should receive offers at the top of the range. 如果你是一个卖方的市场,你应该得到优惠,最高的幅度。
Fall in planned economy system commonly, it is seller's market. 一般在计划经济体制下,都是卖方市场。
The high speed economy development after the World War2 has deeply changed our life, the buyer's market replaces the seller's market, we live a better life with more abundant goods. 二战以来,全球经济的高速发展深刻地改变着人们的生活,商品市场从卖方化到买方化,已使我们的物质生活日益富足。
The transition of higher education from seller's market to buyer's market poses rigorous challenges for higher vocational education. 随着高等教育由“卖方市场”转向“买方市场”,高等职业教育正面临着巨大的挑战。
After agriculture products have changed from being seller's market to being buyer's market, the only choice for China's agricultural development is to adjust agricultural structure, to optimize the varieties and qualifies of product, and to improve agricultural benefit. 我国农产品由卖方市场转变为买方市场后,调整农业结构,把农产品的品种、品质调优,农业效益调高,成为农业发展的重要选择。
As China's lubricant market has shifted from a seller's market to a buyer's market, competition is no longer restricted to products, and price and sales promotion, but has extended to more important areas such as marketing and services. 随着中国润滑油市场从卖方市场进入买方市场的转变,竞争手段已经从传统的产品、价格、促销等方面逐步转向更为重要的销售渠道以及服务的竞争。
Foreign car overlords enter China one after another, meanwhile, the homogeneity of the car products is strengthened progressively with increase of the style, the selling market of the domestic car has already been changed to the buyer's market fast from the seller's market. 国外汽车霸主纷纷进入中国,与此同时,汽车产品的同质化随着车型的增多而逐步加强,国内汽车销售市场已经由卖方市场快速地向买方市场转变。
The reform of economy and medical system is changing the hospital from a seller's market to a buyer's market. 随着我国经济体制和医疗体制的改革,传统的就医模式正在改变,医院作为提供医疗服务的市场单位,正在从卖方市场向买方市场转变。
Accompanying with the rapid change from seller's market to the buyer's market, the marketing environment of a road machinery manufacture industry has changed fundamentally. 我国路面机械市场正由卖方市场向买方市场快速转变。路面机械制造企业的营销环境随之发生了根本变化。
The high speed development of world economy and the increasingly sharpening of industrial competition make the seller's market divert to the buyer's market. 世界经济的高速发展和工业竞争的日益激化,促使了卖方市场转向买方市场,竞争的焦点也由价格竞争转向了质量竞争。
Employment practice for university graduates has already become market-oriented, and changed from the buyer's market to the seller's market. 大学生就业已经完全市场化,并由过去的卖方市场转变成现在的买方市场。
This article discusses the position of the enterprises and the consumers both in the seller's market and the buyer's market and the impact of the change of position on the enterprises, and the change of the operation concept. 本文探讨了企业和消费者在卖方市场和买方市场中的位置及这种位置的变化给企业带来的影响及其经营观念转变问题。
The Market will be changed to the buyer's market from the seller's market in the future. 未来市场将由卖方市场转变到买方市场,顾客已成为新的市场情况下商家研究的中心问题。
In the mean time, modern market has completed the transformation from a seller's market to that of buyer's. 同时,现代市场也已经完成了由卖方市场到买方市场的转变。
Whith the change of the social industrial structure of the 20th century, the advantages and power to make decisions between the consumer and supplier were shifted slowly, changed into the buyer's market gradually from the seller's market. 20世纪社会的产业结构发生变化,消费者和供应商之间的优势和决定权慢慢地发生转移,由卖方市场逐渐转变为买方市场。
The structural contradiction between supply structure under seller's market and demand structure under buyer's market has become the main obstacle to future economic growth, which also deepens the total production disequilibrium, overall economic slump and unemployment increase. 卖方市场条件下形成的供给结构与买方市场条件下变化中的需求结构之间的结构性矛盾已上升为主要矛盾,该结构矛盾已加剧了总量失衡,导致了总体经济增速减缓,失业人员增加。
Chinese tourism has developed into buyer's market from seller's market, so the study on the tourism market and marketing becomes more and more important. 我国旅游业已由卖方市场走向买方市场,对旅游市场的规律和开拓研究就变的愈发重要。
After the 21st century, the shortage economic era had completely passed in our country, The seller's market was replaced by buyer's one, where the supply of most commodities exceeded their demand. The market competition intensified, and the deflation appeared in recent years. 进入二十一世纪后,我国已经全面摆脱了短缺经济时代,买方市场取代了卖方市场,大多数商品出现供过于求,市场竞争剧烈,并且,最近几年市场已经出现通货紧缩迹象。
With the transition of real estate industry from seller's market to buyer's market, real estate businessmen also transited from extensive management depend on their own sense to scientific project strategy planning. 随着房地产业从卖方市场过渡到买方市场,房地产开发商也从凭感觉出发的粗放经营过渡到依赖科学的项目策划。
Now automobile consumption of our country is changing from seller's market to buyer's market and from public money purchase to private money purchase. 目前我国汽车消费正由卖方市场向买方市场,以公款购车为主体向以私人购车为主体转变。
With the great change from seller's market to buyer's market of agricultural products and the all round connection of our country with the world in agriculture after we joined WTO, our agriculture products will face great chances and challenges. 随着农产品市场由卖方市场到买方市场的急剧转变及加入WTO后我国农业与世界农业的全面接轨,我国农产品销售将面临巨大的机遇和挑战。
With the sustainable development of China's economy and the improvement in the market economy system, the commodity economy has changed from the seller's market to the buyer's market. 随着我国经济持续发展和市场经济体制的完善,商品经济已经从卖方市场转向买方市场。